Coal Mountain Resort, Argao Cebu PH

ARGAO. Does it even ring a bell? You have probably heard of the town in one of your visits to the public beach in Alcoy, your whale shark adventures in Oslob or perhaps that one summer in the resorts of Dalaguete. While most of us think that Argao is just a stopover for some exotic-tasting torta (a native cupcake) for pasalubong (souvenir/gift), it nestles some unheard-of natural bounty.

Admittedly, Argao does not have attractive shorelines compared to some beaches in the nearby towns of Southern Cebu so most of the time we skip this name in our wanderlust bucket-list but there's so much to discover in this place.

Let's start with the Coal Mountain Resort. It has been there for years but some of the residents in Argao are not even familiar of the place. (Oh, made me puzzled)

Why Coal Mountain Resort? A friend recommended this destination to chill out as a sort of a perfect side trip after a planned visit to Simala-Lindogon Church with colleagues. 

The place is in the far-flung barangay called Linut-od. It is remotely situated in the mountain areas of Argao that you'd feel lost along the way. **Really, we got lost but we found the way - the road not 'usually' taken. LOL. 

How did we get lost?
From Simala, we made a detour to Talo-ot Elementary School. We verified the location of the resort with some of the local 'habal-habal' (motorcycle) drivers and yes it was the right way but it was about 20 km away. Woah! 

We simply followed what-seemed-to- be-the-way to the resort; however we felt that the journey was endless and at times disorienting especially upon reaching several crossroads with no signage whatsoever. It was frantic to make a decision but it was upsetting when we found out it's the wrong way. Civilization was a hundred-to-one and phones are out-of-coverage. We felt hopeless until we found another crossroad with a signage. Nope, it wasn't the way but our spirits were a bit resurrected upon reading the list of places to explore especially Kabilatan (sounds like the female private part in Cebuano) Spring and Maanghit  (in Cebuano, it means body odor) Cave.

Well, thanks to the friendly locals who somehow helped us find the way to Coal Mountain Resort. Even those who didn't know where it is had helped us realize that we have not gone halfway of our destination. After an hour or so, we found the resort!

How do you get there without being lost?
Upon reaching Argao, you will pass by Talo-ot Elementary School first (where we made a detour, remember?) but it is recommended that you disembark at Argao marketplace where you could take a motorcycle ride to Coal Mountain Resort. Having your own ride is surely an advantage for your comfort but being in an unfamiliar place, you might find it risky and time-consuming. Most 'habal-habal' drivers there know where these hidden paradises are located so it sometimes pays off to just take the motorcycle ride. Aside from the fact that the resort is in the middle of nowhere, some parts tend to get a bit elevated that our van halted several times. One-way fare is around 150 - 200 pesos. Feel free to haggle, of course.

There were only two landmarks I could remember before reaching the resort. First, the signage between crossroads with the name Coal Mountain Resort with a pointing hand and finally, Narda 's store situated a few meters away from the place.

Was the distressing journey worth it?
Arriving at the reception area, I would say NO. It was not worth it. The pool area was not that impressive. I could take a 5-minute ride from home (in Lapu-Lapu City) and find a place way better than that. Gazed around the small heart-shaped pool under the gleaming heat of the sun, I would have to admit, I felt like going home, getting into the van, and dozing off but somehow I wanted to give this place a shot.

Coal Mountain Resort

Looked around and found a scarped terrace overlooking several mountains enveloped in lush foliage varieties. Truly a noteworthy sight to behold. Taking that perfect selfie, I freaked out when this tiny creature tried to grab me or my phone (I'm not sure what she wanted) but yes, I'm talking about Wendy. 
Meet Wendy here *wink

While talking to one of the receptionists about the other services they offer, I had a change of heart, joke! I meant, I changed my mind. 

What do they have at Coal Mountain Resort?

Swimming Pools
Although the two swimming pools with a low water slide are not that grand, it might be great for a night swimming as place tends to get colder during sundown. Surrounding the pool area are life-sized animal sculptures such as the carabao.

Overlooking View
This corner served as an extension of the receiving area that's perfect for selfie or just any random daydreaming thoughts. Just don't tease Wendy. LOL!

Coal Mining Tunnel
For just 30 pesos on top of the entrance fee, you can feel at least a teeny-weeny of a miner's experience in about 15 - 20 minutes. Relax, it's not an actual mining burrow; it is only a demonstration tunnel. Looking at the external part of its hatchway, you'd get goosebumps. With is vertically positioned steps, the gap tends to get narrower and darker every rung.

Cable Car and Zip line
For 150 to 200 pesos, you can try either one of the adventuresome services they offer. I was thrilled to know they have these. Unfortunately, there was no operator that time so the all the excitement fell apart like broken dreams (hugot. haha!)

Mini Zoo
There is nothing much to see in their zoo but you'll be petrified with the enormous python which could most likely swallow you whole. *Run! lol.

100-meter Hanging Bridge
The unsteady hanging wood bridge made me totter in anticipation yet I was filled with gratification that finally I could say the journey was worth it. For me, that was the highlight of the resort. Just like a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow, a spring pool will wind up your wobbling journey from the hanging bridge. 
the 100-meter hanging bridge

16-feet deep Spring Pool
No one from our group fathomed the depths of the pool but it was more gratifying to bathe in a deep cold spring pool with a diving spot. *but I don't do cliff diving really* Life vests saved the day! There's one cottage at the area but who needs cottages when you have that brisk wooded umbra overhead?
Jump and fall 

The only cottage around the area

Life vests saved the day!
Restaurant and Videoke (Karaoke) Bar
The food they served were affordable although it was not that mouth-watering but it can satisfactorily meet your needs like when you're ferociously starving. LOL. You know what I mean!  I didn't mind if their halo-halo tasted like fruit cocktails from the grocery. Well, who came here to JUST pig out anyway? 

Beat the init haha!

Check out the menu!

Thank you jumega Charlly Ann for sharing some of your photos
Thank you Ma'am An for letting me use some of your photos

Thank you, Argao. I surely would like to go back and visit the following places
  • Kabilatan Spring
  • Maanghit Cave
  • Tay-ong or Lusno Falls

                                        Till our next laag!

Travelsome Chic