Ultimate Oslob Bucket List

Oslob is a one-stop shop in terms of summer destinations and adventures down south Cebu. White sand beaches, waterfalls, mountain resorts, or whale sharks - all these and more are in Oslob. The most prominent activity is probably the whale shark watching but there are also other places in town that are worth the visit.

Here are some of the places or things you might want to check out in your next vacay in Oslob.


The town does not only boast of its abundance in natural resources but also overflows with cultural heritage along other towns in southern Cebu. Before basking under the sun and dipping into the pristine waters, a relish of some traditions of the municipality would be a noteworthy detour in your itinerary.

just dropping by


If you've been reading blogs, you have probably encountered reviews about how the beaches in Oslob are just like any ordinary [not-so-special] public beaches you could see in other towns, definitely not like the one you would find in Bantayan Island. Well, don't judge just yet because there are actually great beaches in Oslob that would give you that top-notch-resort feels.  I would recommend visiting this nifty resort down south - Tanawan Cangcuay Beach. It's quite familiar among locals and it's absolutely budget-friendly.
Awesome shots as usual |  www.facebook.com/AldrinLesPhotos


If you're into a little adventure or if chasing waterfalls has been in your bucket list this year, then you shouldn't miss this famous bounteous cascade of nature's cooling off system. After an invigorating hike, a cool splash would truly be rewarding.


Because Oslob has been known worldwide especially  among tourists and travelers, it has also turned into beach resort hub. This is specifically true near the whale shark watching spot. You would often find a plethora of resorts that are very accessible and even conspicuous as you reach Oslob. Most of these resorts offer tour packages to Sumilon Island and the whale shark watching. Five-star or economical beach resorts alike could be found in this town.

MB Sunrise View Resort

On a personal note, my friends and I went  to MB Sunrise View Resort as it was the only resort that accommodates guests as early as 5AM. We were delighted to find out that they have packages for whale shark watching and an exciting detour [not really part of our itinerary], Sumilon Island sandbar - just the sandbar, not the Sumilon Bluewater Island Resort for a reasonable price.

arrived at 5AM and Mr. Sun wasn't up yet lol. 
However, expectations were not set clearly as one of the staff made enticing remarks about the sandbar. We've surely heard about it before so we were really excited but we got disappointed because it was high tide and we never gazed or even walked on the sandbar. What made it worse was the poor customer service from one of the resort staff. Sanitation is also one of the issues the resort has to address, too. We didn't really regret, we just learned to perhaps take some time to read reviews. *wink


Locally known as butanding, they are the ultimate celebrity in this town. It's a 25-minute rubbing-elbows with the gentle giants of Oslob. It's not really 40 minutes as what other blogs stated. It's going to cost  around Php500 (USD10) for locals and twice the price (USD20) for foreigners.  You may go directly to the Orientation/Holding Area where you could pay for the tickets.
this was jawdropping
Finding the place is quite easy as well because of the signage and if you are taking the public transpo, you simply have to tell the drivers or bus conductors to drop you off there. Trust me, they are all familiar with the place. Opening time is at 6AM and it's the best time to be there to avoid the crowd. Whale shark watching is only available in the morning because that's also gonna be their feeding time. Rules should be strictly followed as this may harm the whale sharks such as applying sunblock and getting near or touching them.  However, if you are staying in a resort, most of them would offer such package. In our case, we got the offer from a beach resort so we could have a locker and a shower after the activity.


Next to the whale sharks, this is probably top 2 on the list. This is somewhat a rendezvous after meeting the friendly giants of the seas. The long stretch of white sandbar, made accessible to the public, kindled the tourists' marvel over it. More and more resorts or even boatmen offer a reasonable price for a boat ride to the island. Recently, this island has been closed to tourists for rehabilitation due to the increasing pollution problem and potential risk of deterioration of the ecosystem. It's rather sad to note that some tourists and businessmen have a very careless and irresponsible regard towards nature.  Just hoping right now that the people's perspectives would change after the government has been actively taking actions against abuse to the environment.

While the public sandbar is still closed, the island resort has continued its operations so you don't have to feel bad at all. *smile

Sandbar is somewhere there 
the beach

don't know what, where or how to take this pic LOL. the space is just too small for a decent shot

Finally, some real water activity - snorkeling plus getting elbowed by people LOL.
Despite the many unpleasant circumstances I encountered, I have still enjoyed my short trip in Oslob. Meeting the butanding is definitely a rare chance and this is something I would treasure for the rest of my life. No regrets; just experience! Thank you, Oslob.

Thanks to these awesome laag buddies 

Till our next laag!