Liza's Little Garden: 2k Red Roses at Cordova Home Village

The 10,000 (white) Roses Cafe recently made a fuzz in the local online community.  Aside from it is the first in Cebu, it became an instant hit because it was absolutely budget-friendly! Just a month later, Cordova Home Village made an intriguing marketing strategy when they launched Liza's Little Garden with 2,000 red LED roses sprouting from the stony ground along the resort's entrance. Because of the existing 10k white roses cafe, many people think that the red roses were made to compete with the former; however it seems more of a marketing stunt for the resort. 

51k red roses
Paint the town red!
Cordova Home Village has been there for years and this new attraction within the place is basically driving people to visit or come back. Since this little artificial garden is part of the home village, visitors have to pay Php 100 which is the standard rate for day use / adult entrance fee. This means that you could go ahead use their amenities such as the swimming pool. Gazebos / open tables and food bought outside are charged differently. 

In my case, I only went there (with Aldrin) to see the red roses but we were still asked to pay for the regular entrance fee. We were able to get inside and tour around the pool area. 

The place is quite easy to locate since it has been there for years now. There are two possible routes in getting there. One, turn right as soon as you reach Gaisano Cordova or turn right at Cordova Park, a famous landmark alongside Sr. San Roque Parish Church. Upon reaching the main entrance of the home village, the security personnel may ask few questions before you could park or enter. 

As you draw near the next entrance, you could immediately see the red roses growing under 'real' trees. Indeed, there was a touch of authenticity amid the artificiality. The pathway is a bit craggy and really uneven so you have to be careful in treading it especially at night. Liza's Little Garden is obviously a work in progress as there are still corners or spaces not filled with the led roses yet. 

Contrary to what was seen on Facebook, there were  only 2,000 red LED roses and not 51,000. I admit, the overwhelming wrong info urged me and probably others to visit. 

51k red roses cordova home village

It was short and sweet but if I had to choose between the White and the Red, I would suggest you read my next blog;  10K White Roses vs 2k Red Roses

Watch this video to see the real glow of these fabulous red roses!
Courtesy of AldrinVids

Till our next laag!


Travelsome Chic