10k White Roses VS 2k Red Roses (Cordova, Cebu PH)

We can't help but compare these two recently opened attractions in Cordova, Cebu. Both basically have the same feature except for its colors. I am talking about the 10,000 White Roses Cafe and Liza's Little Garden with the red LED roses. Due to its identical characteristic, people can't help but compare or probably wonder which one is better or worth the visit? The following are my personal thoughts based on three criteria so comments, differing opinions and violent reactions (lol) are perfectly fine and welcomed.

10k White Roses Cafe
Liza's Little Garden - 2k Red Roses
Liza's Little Garden - 2k Red Roses

The 10k Roses Cafe was the first to launch and it is in fact, the first in the entire Cebu. Approximately after two months, Cordova Home Village also lighted their 2k red LED roses alongside its main entrance but the roses are only a part of a bigger resort and villa. It is somewhat a marketing strategy for the home village which has been there for a few years now. On the other hand, the white rose garden is the ultimate charm of the 10k Roses Cafe. The idea of using LED flowers is not originally Pinoy (Filipino) since this was brought by a Korean businessman who is currently residing in Cebu. Similar LED flower garden has also been lit in Seoul, Korea and another in Hongkong.

There is nothing much to compare with in terms of structure of the artificial flowers since they are identical except for its colors. Red roses would surely melt your heart when set in a bouquet; even a single stem of real rose could make someone blush; only if it is real. The lit roses in red LED is not as flattering as the white ones. The reddish lights somehow gave me a horrific aura instead of a romantic mood. The red glare is similar to that of the Halloween 'feels' and the gruesome trees in the dark background do not compliment with the red glow. Maybe it could look better on broad daylight; however, the banana trees are quite distracting and the pathway and ground need paving so it won't look rough and uneven. The place may potentially be impressive since the flowers seem to grow in a natural environment with all those trees and shrubs. 

It all boils down to the question, "Is it worth it?" Its worth may be gauged by its ability to impress people with a reasonable price. The entrance fee for the red roses is more expensive given that  it includes the use of the amenities in the villa. On the other hand, the 10k white roses cafe has free admission. The Php 20 collected at the tourism building is a mandate of the barangay or the town and not coming from the management. Considering all these, which would you prefer, a frappe with the white roses or a summer staycation with the red roses? 

And the winner is...


Travelsome Chic