Tingko Beach, Alcoy, Cebu

Cebu is just one of the many islands in the Philippines that has a wide selection of white-sand beaches from the most lavish to some really low-cost or totally free resorts! Alcoy is one of those towns known for its public beach resort with absolutely perfect beach sand - Tingko Beach.

When you are taking the public transport from Cebu City, you should take a bus ride from South Bus Terminal or a van at CitiLink. Tingko Beach is situated along the national hi-way so it would not be so much of a hassle finding  the place. A signage alongside the road could be your guide or you could simply inform the bus conductor. 

Who would dare take the hot seat?

A friend who'd take every opportunity for a beauty rest. Lovelove Jinibibi :p

Although the resort is open to the public, some residents found an opportunity to generate income by offering tables/chair rentals, cottages for overnight stay, food and drinks, videoke/karaoke and a whole lot more! Table sets may be rented for P150 - P200. The cottages are not that presentable and safety may not be guaranteed as the they are made with light materials. There are also toilets and makeshift bathrooms with minimal charges so prepare your coins. LOL! Camping along the shores may be a great idea; however in some cases, it might be risky since the place is not secured given that it is an open resort. Nevertheless, both foreign and local tourists seem to love this place like any other private beaches with five-star accommodation because of its raw nature not to mention its pellucid waters.

Just perfect! The sand's really good you could bathe with it.

We just love the sand!


I just had so much fun here! You see, it's not really how surreal or picturesque the view is or how cozy and fancy the resort is but how you spontaneously enjoy the moment with people you share the same interest, line of thinking, or level of madness with.

Till our next laag!

Travelsome Chic